Learning Bites: Sustainability and Real Estate
Educational videos on green building topics created by SAIT for AREF
Video 1:
This on-demand educational series is meant to guide and prepare real estate professionals with the knowledge on how to approach green home topics and valuate sustainable attributes such as energy efficiency, water conservation, and healthy spaces, among many more.
Video 2:
Building codes, History, and Progress
Learning Bites: Curriculum sheet - Video 2
Video 4:
Green, Sustainable and Healthy
Learning Bites: Curriculum sheet - Video 4
Video 3:
High Performance
Learning Bites: Curriculum sheet - Video 3
Video 5:
Cost, Value, and Marketability
Learning Bites: Curriculum sheet - Video 5
Policy and Research
Colliers Real Estate Management Services (2023)
Office Amenities of the Future.
Colliers Real Estate Management Services (2023)
The New Age of Hybrid Work: What the rise of hybrid work means for office real estate needs.
Deloitte (2023)
Getting hybrid work right: Creating and sustaining inclusive economic growth in Canada https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ca/Documents/fcc/ca-en-canada-2030-policy-brief-hybridwork-aoda.pdf
Lowe, G. and Hughes, K. (2023)
Shaping the Future of Work: Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic. Future Skills Centre.
Johal, S. (2023)
Out Of Office: The Public Policy Implications of Remote Work. Canadian Standards Association, Toronto, ON.
Gareau, L., Pidlaski, C., and Schaefer, R.F. (2021)
Remote Work: Environmental, Social & Economic Opportunities and Risks.
Environics Institute (2021)
Work at home or live at work: The complexities of new working arrangements.
Jones Lang LaSalle (2021)
What the hybrid workplace means for government real estate. https://images.hello.jll.com/Web/JLLAmericas/%7Bd3d5508d-5110-487d-bb6b-78b5e2209977%7D_GOV-AW-Portfolio-Optimization-Article.pdf
Articles and Blogs
The Future of the Office is a Lab (Vox)
Evans, P. (May 6, 2023)
As economy recovers from pandemic doldrums, big employers step up push to get back to the office. CBC.
Easton, R. (December 21, 2022)
Alberta sees largest population increase ever: StatsCan data. CBC.
Bonita Craig & Robyn Baxter (Colliers Canada) (2022)
Reshaping our office space offers opportunity to attract, retain talent. https://renx.ca/reshaping-our-office-space-offers-opportunity-to-attract-retain-talent
Duhatschek, P. (December 1, 2022)
Why Ontario buyers are scooping up investment properties in Calgary. CBC.
Stephenson, A. (April 20, 2022)
Priced out of Ontario, homebuyers turn their eyes to Calgary real estate market. CBC.